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  • I Release You with Love

    Once upon a time, I moved into a box with you And we navigated that world together, through thick and thin, through so many dramas, truly beautiful and simultaneously messy with all of the feels. I grew and started changing. I was awakening. I do not mean that to sound superior, but I can understand that you might assume that of me because I have been judgmental and adversarial. I was simply learning to listen to my own authentic preferences and beliefs. I began speaking and living these truths. We had more conflicts, more disappointments. I was perplexed. I was confused as to why you would not grow with me and why you did not understand me in the way that I yearned to be understood. Oh, how I have struggled to somehow change you, or me… because truly, I did not want to leave you. For a long time, I made a home in our box. And then I grew into a different level of consciousness. I started seeing, thinking, believing things differently than I had before. I started speaking in another language than you could understand, and that hurt and frustrated both of us. I was wanting you to grow as I was, and you were wanting me to stay the same. Truth is, we are simply growing in different directions. I thank you. Through our conflicts and my internal struggle, I had something to push against. I grew in ways that only conflict and duality teach. Your need to stay who you are helped me push to self-define, to individuate, to bravely seek and be true to my innate guidance. How ironic that one of the greatest gifts you could give me was disguised as the opposite of love. I love you. I let you go now so you can grow in ways that are deterministic, individual and unique for you. I release any and all expectations, resentments, stories. I release all judgments of right and wrong. I release all hurt feelings where I assign that you failed me or I failed you. I wish you only blessings: May you have struggles, and may you choose and find your truth based in self-love and self-confidence. May you be free. May you be happy. May you come to forgive me as I forgive you. May only the truth of our love remain. And so it is. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Healing My Issues with Men

    I acknowledge my distrust for men that I have inherited through unhealed family beliefs and perpetuated through my own experiences and beliefs. I seek to own and release my pattern to shrink, to judge and to prove injustices by maintaining a helpless victim role. I thought I was a strong woman who didn’t need men. I can now see my part of rigid fear and unforgiveness, excuses and lack of healthy expectations, and repetitive hurtful dances of unfulfillment. I DECLARE: I challenge and release the generational distortions which have allowed toxic masculinity to go unchecked. I speak truth to the patterns and traumas of the past and the present. I open my heart, and pray for others to open theirs, to a new and better Way. I call out the overt injustices and violations. I shine a light into the shadows of covert suppression, oppression and microaggressions. I speak of this because of love for myself, my past and future family and our unlived potential. I steadfastly hold the dream for our mutual healing. I acknowledge my traumas, I allow raw expression of my feelings, and needs for my healing. I activate a healing team for myself, in my inner sanctum and surrounding me. I learn to trust what healthy relationships look like and feel like. I breathe into my worthiness and responsibility to now set the tone for how I Am treated, by myself and by all others. I willfully and completely release the spell of trauma which keep me broken, small and a victim. I willfully replace my hurt and pain with abundant self-compassion and self-love. I willfully replace my fear with a deep trust of the Divine Masculine’s yearning to birth a new legacy. I willfully replace my judgment with forgiveness of myself, others and our miscreated patterns. I willfully replace my complacence/victimhood with speaking my truth and standing in my power. I willfully replace my condemnations by speaking respectful expectations into my relationships. I willfully replace my broken narrative with an unfolding healed narrative of mutual tenderness, authentic vulnerability, brave truths, radical responsibility, and generous love. Herein, I step boldly and confidently into my power, my convictions, my love, the healed patterns. I now give my forgiveness that I withheld from the men in my life, forgiving them when they did not know better. I now give my love, always expecting respect, kindness and love to be mutually nurtured and sustained. I loving challenge all my relations to join me in integrity and reconciliation, accepting nothing less than the beauty of our potential. I release now my boundless reserves of love and security, for myself so I can now give myself in full! I am the unstoppable force of creative change. I AM Woman Divine. I AM the essence and purity of evolving transformative love. I AM the divine song freed from my soul. I joyously Hum in the resonant vibrations of the reign of Divine Love Actualized. Amen, and so it is! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Freedom From Codependency

    I AM giving myself permission to be free from the suffering and codependent attachment needs of others. I AM releasing my feelings of guilt and my discordant codependent expectations of myself. God, You never intended us to suffer, nor to form attachments to each other which keep us wallowing powerlessly in our experience of pain. This is our human miscreation, keeping us from receiving each other’s healing, heart-blessed medicines and keeping us from the truth of our power to heal and cure all ills we have collectively created. I AM opening myself to the healing patterns my I AM Presence keeps embedded in my heart and my soul. I AM releasing those I love to their own paths of learning. I AM listening to My Higher Self’s guidance of how I can be helpful and loving to others in the highest and greatest interest of all. I AM lovingly turning towards My Higher Self as my sole source of approval on my sacred path of soul-led transformation. I release all others from my need for their understanding and support. I declare: The purity of my Love and powerful heart-felt prayers emanate at the frequency for the liberation from suffering for all beings. And so it is! I AM loving all life free starting with me! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • About Codependency and Suffering

    While staying with feelings of discomfort, I begin to see my part in patterns of sustaining experiences of struggle, doubt, anxiety, pain in my codependent relationships. Now, with increasing clarity, I see the dramas in my life and the codependent roles I play within them: Caregiving to my troubled friend with a constant stream of harrowing crises; coddling my chronically wounded friend who can never receive enough love to believe in my safety and love offered. Too often I have stayed engaged, thinking how horrible it is to leave them alone in their endless suffering. In my attempts to detach, I confront my fear-based belief that if I establish clear boundaries or leave the relationship that I have failed and abandoned an already wounded soul. Now, daily I commit to detaching from these roles where I am completing the other half of suffering, I know now that torment is not truth, but instead a co-created illusion, keeping us stuck in the energy of fear and woe. I will deliver myself to freedom beyond my relationships marked by ongoing strife. As I leave these relationships I feel my own sense of loss. I grieve my loss of friendship as I move away from the role of comforter, rescuer, healer. Part of me will miss being in that dance of opposites that complete each other’s wounds. But I can no longer stay in the pain of these stories of brokenness. I pray that those that I leave will grow from the challenge. I pray that they will absorb my timeless gift of love, and that they will find the soul-inspiration to take on and complete their own journey of transcendence. In my volitional act of separation, death and re-creation, I hold my transformational pains in my silent contractions of loneliness and doubt. While simultaneously, I expand with bliss, joy, confidence and abundant love as I birth my new self! Emerging through my Sacred Phoenix, I Am in my own metamorphosis materializing a new version of me, defined boldly by love, heart-centered truth, confidence and conviction. Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha. May all beings be happy and free. Starting with me. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Love You So Much That I Support Your Struggle

    I Am learning to not fall in the water with you when I perceive you struggling. I Am learning to keep my feet planted firmly in the soil on the shore. I Am learning to use my voice and my truth to be as the outreached branch, encouraging you to take hold by your own volition. I Am learning to not give in to my fear that you may drown and that I did not do enough to save you. I believe in you and that God is always acting through you. I am confident of your incredible strength, abilities, and all the growth opportunities before you as I encourage you to believe in yourself and show up for yourself. I do not know what you may learn, and where your path will take you, but I love you so much that I want you to find yourself through and beyond your struggle so you will believe in your greatness as you become who you are destined to be. And so may it be. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • A Prayer of Gratitude for Family

    I Am grateful for the souls who incarnated with me to learn lifelong lessons together. Who incarnated into the same bloodline, generational gifts and challenges. Who incarnated to be my greatest mirrors and co-conspirators for our shared evolution. I pray that I can truly see you for how you seek to be seen and understood. I pray for my patience and understanding when I feel disconnected and misunderstood. I pray for the courage to acknowledge and share my vulnerabilities and truths. I pray for my ability to hear, see and nurture your heart beyond my own narratives of judgment and preconceived ideas of you and us. I pray to experience being like branches growing on the same tree, fed by our common roots, our shared resources, to be grateful for all blossoms and to be patient during periods of dormancy and discordant growth. May we find our Way to identify and challenge our detachment while willfully reconciling our inherited toxic fragmentation. May we reach for each other across the abyss of misconception, eventually delivering ourselves through forgiveness and compassion to the virginal promise of our loving Ancestor’s dreams. May we grow together through the wisdom in our differences and through our dedication to our Unity. And so may it be. Amen! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Prayer for Transformation Through My Persecution

    Sometimes a hardship beyond one’s control is experienced as an imprisonment or punishment, forcing one to stay in a state of suffering. Even in this situation, you have the soul choice to transcend human suffering through previously unimaginable unconditional love and forgiveness. Broken down by your incessant drive to persecute me, my confusion and despair increase. I do not want to hurt you or others, so I hold back my anger. My attempts to defend myself get exploited as you keep assessing my vulnerability and find new ways to hit your target. I know that I do not deserve this cruelty, but why then am I forsaken? I know that others in authority will not see this abuse and that my damnation will only deepen. Your strikes do cause me pain and fear, and bring me closer to feeling small, broken, fearful, worthless, diminished. The roles of persecutor and persecuted, abuser and victim, the justified and the punished are so deeply entrenched in our collective unconscious and societal structures that it is hard to believe that I can do anything more than simply survive this experience. And yet, as I walk my spiritual path in the footsteps of Ascended Masters, including Jesus, I ask: how do I bear this cross and deliver myself to the resurrected state of transcendence? And so, I pray: I pray for my personal strength to endure this persecution while strengthening my faith and beliefs in greater Love and purpose emerging through my human experiences. As I walk through the valley of darkness, may I find frequent retreats where I can curl up in the lap of lovingkindness and feel held by Mother Mary’s wide, soul-comforting embrace. May this experience alone heal my soul in countless ways, helping me know that I am always worthy of restorative Divine Love. Through my surrender, I completely allow myself to fully receive bountiful Divine Love. As I submit to peaceful non-resistance, may I deepen my ability to look at my brothers and sisters with greater compassion. As I experience their projected suffering, may I resist personalizing their actions and may I find my Way to pray for their deliverance. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” May I come to truly understand what it means to turn the other cheek, not through martyrdom, but in true resilient loving compassion. Dear God, help me learn a deeper compassion and forgiveness, allowing me to pray for the solace and end of suffering within the soul of my persecutors. May my love become more resilient and persistent when I witness their resistance. May I submit to this experience as a great purification so that I may become the melted gold ready to be reshaped by my I Am Presence’s vision for me. As Jesus has shown me the Way: “Father into your hands, I entrust my Spirit”. May I transfigure my suffering into complete and pure trust in God to deliver me through my humanness to my spiritual greatness. May I come to see the holy gift within this suffering as I embody more of my own Christ Consciousness of greater self- and other-love and forgiveness. Amen. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Caregiver Burnout

    Sometimes a crisis awakens us to patterns in relationships that no longer meet our highest needs, and have been growing more costly to our health and our soul’s drive to thrive. Verse one Every day I get to a point and I think I cannot do this any longer. Caregiving for my loved one has me caring for their (his/her) needs as mine fade into the shadows. Though this has always been our pattern, it now has intensified 100 fold. Their consuming illness has invaded and stolen my most private spaces and now preys on my sanity and my soul. My disintegration garners no notice, even to myself, as I fight daily to stay in kindness and to keep the remnants of my former life in place. I fear I am not made for this. What frightens me most is the sweet temptation to explode and flee. How did I become so emotionally chaotic, on the brink of dissociating from myself? I fear my emotional discontent might destroy any blissful remains of yesteryear's love stories and dreams, and everything I have built. Discouraged and resigned, I function in numbness and perseverance. Dear God, I pray for change so that I may stay present while not sacrificing myself in the process. May I discern new ways and roles that balance everyone needs and truths, starting with mine. Verse two I have found my rage. It is explosive and dark. I am full of vitriol and volcanic righteousness. I breathe and expel. I breathe and convulse. I breathe and collapse. I breathe and I shake. I surrender and I weep. I slip into a deep psychic crevasse, beyond time. Everything is falling apart. My love for you can no longer be passionate, idealistic, hopeful. I am disillusioned, detached and depleted. Everything has changed. Too quickly for me to keep up. While my rage tempts me to burn down all that I know, I pray for self-love to bring the blessed waters of calming. I pray to discern how to change from the inside out, saving myself from possible destruction and annihilation. Though I Am loyal and dedicated, I must shift my attention from you to myself. My care is no longer rooted in love, and my resentment creates only toxic sacrifice. May I stay in this clarity of realizing that I have my needs and I must trust their guidance. Verse three As I can only be where I Am, and I must move through this, I pray: May I learn to release control, and allow frustration and messiness to take up honest space. Even when what’s unfolding in front of me seems like a shit show, I release my fear, judgements and projections onto future outcomes, and of myself. May I increasingly gain confidence that listening to my limits and my needs will carve out a path into the unwritten future that has brave new structures securely built in love, integrity, and faith. May I come to accept that I Am growing dynamically as I justly trust choosing myself. May I allow myself enough space to disentangle from the diffuse layers of dysfunction, so that I may find and deploy my brave core that knows how to delve into my shadowlands. There, I will encounter my unconscious beliefs about sacrificing, martyring and people-pleasing. I will confront, deconstruct and challenge my self-maintained distortions, such as my belief that my sacrifice saves other loved ones from shouldering the burdens I feel. There are a myriad of possibilities when I open myself to vulnerable, honest collaboration with others. I promise to own whatever shows itself in the shadows as mine, so that I can do my work of forging a new destiny with self forgiveness, self-compassion and fierce determination. Every dark night of the soul is followed with a brilliant new dawn! Confronting my limited beliefs: I expand! Taking up space with my truth and needs, I promise myself with my whole heart and soul that I will fully possess this space so that beautiful new solutions can sprout and blossom into their magnificent new form. This will be my legacy. This will be what my future self and future generations will inherit: ME, steadfast and bright, radiating my Northern Star. And so it is! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Growing Through my Caregiver Archetype

    Sometimes a crisis challenges us to refine the shadow aspects of our soul’s archetypal gifts to be sure that we are staying true to our own inner soul evolution. Verse 1: My Gift I Am a fiercely protective lover, parent, friend, and sometimes even stranger. My instinct is to walk directly into the fire, for this is how I love. I Am a healer. My dedicated love is powerful. Here is my archetypal promise: I will not leave you alone in your pain. I will hold space, I will be patient, I will sing to you, I will comfort you. I will infuse my caregiving with love. I will conjure up the essential nutrition needed to heal your bones, your blood, your tissues, your issues, your heart, your soul, in every way I can. I will never give up. I Am wholeheartedly determined to restore your vitality, your joy, your song. I will always dedicate myself to loving you and staying present no matter what. Verse 2: My Shadow Guides My Growth And this I also know, from the wisdom of my heart and soul: I need to find the healing grace in what I cannot control. Here I am much more humble, for this is harder work. I resolve: I will allow others to see and tend to my vulnerability. Caregivers need care giving. I will raise my hand and ask for help, and I will allow big and small acts of love to flow in through the doors and the cracks. I release my vise grip on control. God is in charge, not I. I trust the Divine Plan that is unfolding, in everyone’s highest and best interest, just as it is. As I surrender to Divine Intervention, I celebrate the everyday miracles coming our way. I turn towards the opportunity to take radical responsibility for my relationship with fear. I challenge my propensity for worry and projecting the worst scenario into the future. I disinvest from my assumed suffering and reveal my vulnerable feelings: I am scared, angry, and I fear loss. When I yield my anxiety, I begin to allow Love in. Bravely, I ask Mortality to become my teacher. In my surrender to your sage invitation into the unknown, may I witness my joy and gratitude as every day gifts become evermore dear. Verse 3: I Relinquish Control While I will do my best to heal you, when the time comes I will challenge you, as I will need to challenge myself. While I live to pour in love, I know that your true healing and strength comes from you claiming and activating your own healing path. I will love you all the more as I step back to watch you navigate your pain, your recovery, your vitality, your passion. I promise to mindfully practice our mutual independence. Gifting you back your responsibility for your healing path, I will care for myself so that I may remain present to celebrate the precious gift of our vulnerable human journeys. I will deepen my faith as I relinquish your free will and destiny back to you and God. And So It Is. And So I AM. Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Prayer for Strength During a Tragedy

    Out of nowhere, a catastrophic figurative tidal wave has pulverized my life. Tragedy has hit. My world has suddenly been turned upside down and inside out. Where I thought I was safe, I am now riddled internally and externally with a sense of peril, confusion, terror, exhaustion. I am so confused and scared: How can I feel so many feelings simultaneously? Anger, fear, intense vulnerability, helplessness, dismay… so so much fear… Where the fuck is the shock, the numbness… Anesthesia? Where the fuck is the internal heroine... who knows what to do next to deliver me, and all those who are living this nightmare with me? Where is the love, light, the way to guide me? How is it possible that I’m still standing, and waking up to another day of a fragmented life that I have no clue how to navigate? Falling to my knees, I pray for strength beyond my understanding to help me take one breath at a time. May I come to know that my job right now is not to find the solutions, but to find pillars of protection, strength, love and compassion that can hold me while the earth still quakes beneath me and inside me. May I feel the sacred mother within me, carrying me, breathing me until the actions of what to do next can surface. I pray for the courage to turn to others in my vulnerability so that they can soothe me, calm me, center me, hold me, help me. I pray for the tenacity to declare what I am incapable of doing in the moment, and that, like a fire breathing dragon, I can freely emit flames of refusal as a way to express my needs for boundaries for my own self preservation. I pray to trust my safe places where I can be foul, or where I can be a puddle of wailing and screaming… where I can put down my facade of having it all together. I pray to surrender to heavenly Divine Love which has never, and will never, leave me. While I pray that You will temporarily dissolve me and absolve me of this inner torment, please hold and contain me until it is time for me to re-form. I pray that my internal Divine Love will guide me through each step, so that I can trust beyond my survival, I will evidence who I AM. I pray that while the goddess within strengthens my backbone, that I will grow more steadfast in the truth of who I AM, for ME and for everyone that I love. Whether my perseverance is as a flickering flame, a roaring blaze, or the energy of 1000 suns, I will breathe into knowing that my light can never be extinguished and that my spiritual valor will deliver me. This is my resolution: I pray for these words to pray me until I Am fully restored. And so it is. Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Tower Events

    In the tarot deck, there is a major arcana card called The Tower. It represents a sudden upheaval with lightning and fire bringing down a high spire, with the King and Queen falling to the ground. It is often interpreted as a karmic and fate-changing fall from structures inconguous to our soul truest desires for advancement. It usually indicates a shift from a surface-level materialistic, naive security/consciousness state to recreating and redefining security through a forced invitation into a hero’s journey of the heart. It is time to be radically reborn, asserting your authentic values and beliefs as you rebuild. No one is ready for their tower to fall. A spouse's affair is suddenly revealed. A serious cancer diagnosis is discovered. A forest fire devours one’s home and neighborhood. A loved one dies in a tragic accident. You must face the cost of your addiction. You become homeless. You are suddenly left. Tower events are marked by deep and widespread devastation wherein you are stripped naked of your normal coping mechanisms and beliefs. You are gutted by calamitous destruction, left only with remnants of your accumulated treasures and your belief systems. Tragedy begets tragedy as more foundational problems are exposed, forcing you to be present with no opportunities to escape. While it feels like a curse or a personal condemnation, you are challenged to find your innate will to salvage your life. Through tragedy, you are given the opportunity to dig through the ashes to find how you allowed and co-created what now you must face. You are wise to trust deep soul wisdom which forces you to acknowledge your blindspots, your complicity in toxic patterns and unresolved issues. Through radical soul-responsibility, you humbly must realize this tragedy presents a sacred life-defining opportunity for your own transformational progress. At a profound life crossroad, you must make a choice: Do you stay in a victim mindset and replicate structural patterns dooming you to the same fate? Or through your Sacred Phoenix, do you rise? Engaging radical new patterns stored within the golden recesses of your soul’s wisdom? You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Rebirth Through Crisis

    When something catastrophic happens our connection to our soul cracks open. Within the experience of breaking, we shatter our previous constructs. Pained and confused we often mistaken our grief as an indication that we have lost something essential instead of understanding the initiation to reorganize anew. Disarmed and emptied, we can see beyond the believed dream and perceive pure potentiality amidst the chaos. While it is true that we will never be the same, our Spirit invites us to seek the treasures within the inner shards, fragmented pieces and the pain points. As we examine the pieces and manifest de novo, we begin to intuitively assemble new possibilities through reality shifting epiphanies. If we can only value what we previously revered, we will miss the treasures waiting to be honored and explored, only to be discovered when we are broken open and fall apart. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

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