Sometimes a crisis challenges us to refine the shadow aspects of our soul’s archetypal gifts to be sure that we are staying true to our own inner soul evolution.
Verse 1: My Gift
I Am a fiercely protective lover, parent, friend, and sometimes even stranger.
My instinct is to walk directly into the fire,
for this is how I love.
I Am a healer.
My dedicated love is powerful.
Here is my archetypal promise:
I will not leave you alone in your pain.
I will hold space,
I will be patient,
I will sing to you,
I will comfort you.
I will infuse my caregiving with love.
I will conjure up the essential nutrition needed
to heal your bones, your blood, your tissues, your issues, your heart, your soul,
in every way I can.
I will never give up.
I Am wholeheartedly determined to restore your vitality, your joy, your song.
I will always dedicate myself to loving you and staying present no matter what.
Verse 2: My Shadow Guides My Growth
And this I also know,
from the wisdom of my heart and soul:
I need to find the healing grace in what I cannot control.
Here I am much more humble, for this is harder work.
I resolve:
I will allow others to see and tend to my vulnerability.
Caregivers need care giving.
I will raise my hand and ask for help, and
I will allow big and small acts of love to flow in
through the doors and the cracks.
I release my vise grip on control.
God is in charge, not I.
I trust the Divine Plan that is unfolding,
in everyone’s highest and best interest,
just as it is.
As I surrender to Divine Intervention,
I celebrate the everyday miracles coming our way.
I turn towards the opportunity to take radical responsibility
for my relationship with fear.
I challenge my propensity for worry and
projecting the worst scenario into the future.
I disinvest from my assumed suffering and reveal my vulnerable feelings:
I am scared, angry, and I fear loss.
When I yield my anxiety,
I begin to allow Love in.
Bravely, I ask Mortality to become my teacher.
In my surrender to your sage invitation into the unknown,
may I witness my joy and gratitude as
every day gifts
become evermore dear.
Verse 3: I Relinquish Control
While I will do my best to heal you, when the time comes I will challenge you,
as I will need to challenge myself.
While I live to pour in love,
I know that your true healing and strength
comes from you claiming and activating your own healing path.
I will love you all the more
as I step back to watch you navigate
your pain, your recovery, your vitality, your passion.
I promise to mindfully practice our mutual independence.
Gifting you back your responsibility for your healing path,
I will care for myself so that I may remain present
to celebrate the precious gift of our vulnerable human journeys.
I will deepen my faith as I relinquish
your free will and destiny
back to you and God.
And So It Is.
And So I AM.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: