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Collectively our consciousness is shifting into Unity Consciousness, and from

a subconscious level our Higher Selves are pushing us to transmute our unhealed

shadows for our individual and collective transcendence. 


As a psychotherapist and lifelong spiritual seeker, I observe how so many of us yearn

to self evidence and manifest improved life patterns and spiritual truths into our lives.

However, many of us struggle with understanding how unresolved trauma, grief, ego

patterns, shadow aspects of self, collective unconscious and generational/bloodline issues inhibit and block our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual transformation. 


Even when we understand that we self-create our reality through our resonant consciousness and heart coherence, many of us grapple with evidencing significant shifts in our own personal life/patterns. 



provides heart-centered, word-based transmissions, also known as prayers, to help you attune your transformational process and awaken your connection to the Divinity you seek - from within. As we are awakening now with more ease, PrayerSmith's provided prayers offer activations for you to integrate your

soulful wisdom and to expand

your heart-centered spiritual consciousness.


Influenced by many spiritual teachers, as well as my intimate journeys with so many: I know our transcendent beliefs, transmitted in our heart centered feelings, actions and words shift everything. As I pondered the transformational shift of ages, I wondered where are our PrayerSmiths? Those healers and helpers who understand the alchemy of love, affirmations, co-creating with the heavens, lifting up those ready to transform into the spoken, heartfelt energy that they seek to manifest? I started writing as a PrayerSmith, holding my own and others’ often tumultuous experiences in an incubator for transformative words: What is the transcendent promise/potential in the vulnerability? What is seeking to die, transform, to be birthed anew? How does one bottle up the potent words and feelings and conjure affirmative declarations for sacred manifestation and powerful consciousness shifts?


PrayerSmith is a healing modality seeking to be remembered in this realm. Through my exploration of writing prayers for individual and collective transformation, I feel the collaboration of angelic beings co-creating blessings and powerful transformations through high vibrational inspiration and resonant energies.  There are many angelic light-beings sharing our multidimensional space, waiting to support our ascending consciousness and expansion into higher resonance of love-based heart transmissions for our individual and collective good.  You may call them angels or enlightened beings. I call a collective of them PrayerSmith Guides. In moments of struggle, I open myself to transformational words and prayers and I feel overjoyed with the love and support that flows forth.


Prayers are plentiful in our etheric realms, waiting for us to harvest the fruits of our dreams in the physical realm.


Through the prayers offered herein, I hope you remember that you too are a PrayerSmith capable of praying and shifting your struggles into the promise of your divine potential. 

May you become a PrayerSmith by your own blessed accord.


Lisa Catania

Lisa Catania is a lifelong seeker of truth, healing and love’s other expansive magical qualities. She has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years.  She has led retreats and groups for over 10 years.  She has been writing as PrayerSmith for the past 3 years.  Personally, she humbly stays true to transforming her own shadow into her light’s potential. 


Lisa sensitively and empathically joins others in their sacred vulnerabilities while celebrating their essential strengths. Borrowing from psychology and spiritual teachings/experiences, Lisa offers prayers, affirmations and guidance as someone who made her own Sacred Phoenix journey of transmuting limiting patterns into ever-increasing compassion and radical truth-being with love. She is absolutely influenced by social justice and feminist

perspectives, while holding broad compassion for our universal experiences of suffering and toxic conditioning influencing her lovingkindness approaches to reparation and inner personal work.


Through PrayerSmith, Lisa offers private sessions resulting in a personalized, transformational prayer/poem. With permission, she shares a universal version of those same prayers for anyone to access through PrayerSmith’s offerings. She is constantly channeling new prayers to be offered on this website for our collective transformation. From this website, all prayers may be freely used, or the recipient can make a gratitude donation or support PrayerSmith through Patreon.  She believes personal practices of business should reflect spiritual values of accessibility, equity, social and environmental restorative action. She seeks to live life in ever-increasing conscientious practices fostering the common good of our Oneness and for Mother Gaia.

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