Once upon a time, I moved into a box with you
And we navigated that world together,
through thick and thin,
through so many dramas,
truly beautiful and simultaneously messy
with all of the feels.
I grew and started changing.
I was awakening.
I do not mean that to sound superior,
but I can understand that you might assume that of me
because I have been judgmental and adversarial.
I was simply learning
to listen to my own authentic preferences and beliefs.
I began speaking and living these truths.
We had more conflicts, more disappointments.
I was perplexed.
I was confused as to why you would not grow with me
and why you did not understand me in the way
that I yearned to be understood.
Oh, how I have struggled to somehow change you, or me…
because truly,
I did not want to leave you.
For a long time, I made a home in our box.
And then I grew into a different level of consciousness.
I started seeing, thinking, believing things
differently than I had before.
I started speaking in another language
than you could understand,
and that hurt and frustrated both of us.
I was wanting you to grow as I was,
and you were wanting me to stay the same.
Truth is, we are simply growing in different directions.
I thank you.
Through our conflicts and my internal struggle,
I had something to push against.
I grew in ways that only conflict and duality teach.
Your need to stay who you are
helped me push to self-define, to individuate,
to bravely seek and be true to my innate guidance.
How ironic that one of the greatest gifts you could give me was disguised as the opposite of love.
I love you.
I let you go now so you can grow
in ways that are deterministic, individual and unique for you.
I release any and all expectations, resentments, stories.
I release all judgments of right and wrong.
I release all hurt feelings where I assign
that you failed me or I failed you.
I wish you only blessings:
May you have struggles,
and may you choose and find your truth
based in self-love and self-confidence.
May you be free.
May you be happy.
May you come to forgive me as I forgive you.
May only the truth of our love remain.
And so it is.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: