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- A Prayer of Fierce and Tender Love for our Crystal Child Angels
May we allow ourselves to see once again through our hearts. May we let go of eons of conditioning and remember that God never makes mistakes. Our children who perceive and respond to the world differently than us old souls are pure souls leading an evolution of a different Way. Our beautiful children do not have problems to be solved, and should not be taught to behave nor to tolerate whatever is bringing pain and discord. They cannot help but respond to the discordance around them and sound the alarm in their own self-preservation. Their refusal, their tears, their “hyperactivity” is their inherent leadership to challenge the world to vibrate and resonate at a different frequency. May we not seek to “teach” them, because this may break them. Instead, may we seek to understand their sensitivities and how, if we shift into a gentler, kinder mode, we will find a simpler, centered, more loving Way to navigate living in responsiveness and concert with each other. May we grow ever more sensitive and remember our own sensitivities. May we remember to listen and respond to ourselves and each other long before we need to cry out in pain and refusal and breaking down. May we individually and collectively wake up and reject the norms that imprison us in compliance and complicity. May we become rebels and leaders by our own accord as we pave The Way to protect and align ourselves with the purity and beauty of our most sensitive. For our perfect crystal angel children. This a new prayer available only on this website. To be notified of when it is offered as part of a new collection of prayers in book form, please sign up for my newsletter.
- To All the Children and Grandchildren
To all the children, and grandchildren: You will be tested in life, however, suffering is optional. You will come to see that you are a mortal, vulnerable being. There will be things that will scare you and pain you and bring you to your knees. You will be tempted to give up, to turn off, to try to control or to “beat” the circumstances. Instead, strive to soften. Turn to what’s causing you fear and pain, and listen. Listen for what has been neglected, unseen, unhealed. Meet your pain with curiosity: vulnerable, humble, honest openness. Ask questions: what actions or inactions of mine, society or my ancestors contributed to this coming to be? What pollution, unhealed wounds, neglect, abuse, brainwashing created my discordance and disrupted my connection to healthy flow? Stay with the questions with love and presence for this alone starts healing the pathways to reconnection and restoration of power and flow. Forgive us, your ancestors, for our complaisance, our disconnection, our unresolved traumas and mistruths we passed on to you. We were too lost in the toxic programming designed to keep us complicit in our own brokenness. Be generous in forgiving yourself as well, for any and all self-abuse, self-neglect. Don’t stay in the wastelands of blame, shame and anger. Open your heart’s door to the truth of who YOU are. Conceived from microscopic genetic potential and pure energy, you have a magical body and soul that is perfectly designed with its own self-healing abilities. YOU are pure consciousness, a Divine Spark, an immortal presence having an earthly experience. You are the beauty of our pure potential, you are our hope and you hold the key for establishing the new patterns for an incredible future. The truth is YOU are that powerful, and magical… YOU are Divinity incarnate. Let your pain awaken you. Let your self love and reconnection heal you. May your love heal us all. Amen This a new prayer available only on this website. To be notified of when it is offered as part of a new collection of prayers in book form, please sign up for my newsletter.
- Joan of Arc Blessing
Truthteller, I AM. Gripped by my conviction, my heart beckons my bravery to face that which I have fled. I pray to open my heart so that my soulful truth can rise as fire in my belly, to be consecrated by the love of my sacred heart and to be blessed by the blue-sky silver wave of truth emanating as my words spoken. No matter if my voice trembles, shakes or sings, my empowered vulnerability frees my Divine authentic autonomy! I feel Joan of Arc’s hand centered over my heart on my back. Energized by her transmission of strength, my spine straightens and my shoulders lift. She whispers into my ear and I receive her message as an emblem instantaneously blazing within my heart. As she slowly pulls back her hand, broadening my aura, I feel the presence of my own mighty Angelic wings. She moves to the front of me and delivers into my open hands, an energetic shield and sword. Seeing myself in her transmission, I mirror her and I place my shield over my heart and lift my sword into the heavens. I AM safe to be in my power! I AM empowered to speak my heartfelt truths! My pure-hearted holy light illuminates my path. As I forge ahead, my shield and sword transmute all fear into the beauty of hope. Powerful, I AM. Free, I AM. LOVE, I AM. Amen This a new prayer available only on this website. To be notified of when it is offered as part of a new collection of prayers in book form, please sign up for my newsletter.
- I Am Restored By Your Love
Quan Yin, in the shelter of Your Loving-Kindness, I seek refuge. I burrow until I am imperceptible to my relentless worries. Camouflaged, I nestle into my secret nook Within Your Boundless Love. Cocooned in Your Compassion, I dissolve into the blissful surrender of simultaneous oneness and nothingness. I hide in your smile. I set up camp in your laughter. I stay for the eternity that exists in the blink of an eye. I am restored by Your Delight in the happiness of all beings. I emerge, wild, free… ME. Pure and innocent. Loved and Love. Because of Your Bounty and Compassion, I can give again from mine. Thank you! This a new prayer available only on this website. To be notified of when it is offered as part of a new collection of prayers in book form, please sign up for my newsletter.
- Connecting with My I AM Presence for Prayer and Blessing
I AM One with my I AM Presence I AM One with Father-Mother God I AM One with Christ Consciousness. I AM Divine Love Incarnate. I AM Divine Light Incarnate. I AM One with the Angelic Realm, Celestial Ascended Masters, my omnipresent Guardian Angels, Multidimensional Guides, and all the Beings that love me unconditionally. I AM One with my beloved ancestors. Join me! Through our concerted efforts may we own and transfigure all generational bloodline traumas and miscreations into blessings for all beings! Join me and whisper encouragement into the openness of my listening heart. Join me, to hold each other in deep acceptance, reverence, adoration and joyful healing celebration! I AM One with Mother Gaia and all of Her Ascended Creations of all Beings in this magical realm. With my heart wide open, I AM One with the mystical symbiotic web of this Earthly Realm. I AM rooted to Mother Gaia’s heart-womb core, blessed to experience my earthly body and every splendid pranic breath. I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Beings, while always channeling for the highest and greatest good for All. I surrender my ego’s projections and attachments of what’s right, so that I may receive and transmit all the goodness coming through me. NOW, completely present and grounded in my spiritual be-ing and with all my spiritual support; NOW, from My Sacred Heart: I bless myself and declare my gratitude for all blessings flowing through me in all moments. NOW, from My Sacred Heart, I emanate all my prayerful wishes for myself, my loved ones, and all beings. Hand over my beautiful heart, and with my serene huge smile, I sit, transmit, and receive all the blessings my heart can hold in this eternal moment. When I feel ready to rise, I bow in deep gratitude to and for the perfection and Grace in the alchemy of All That Is. Amen! Ashe! Aho! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- I Listen to Understand as I Seek to be Understood
At times, we feel called to respond rather than to hold space. May we learn to do this through heart-centeredness. May our wholehearted intentions open space which respects our perceived differences and creates sacred possibility for true understanding and mutually beneficial collaborations. In the face of conflict and differing opinions, may I step forward as a leader in mutuality, integrity, respect and kindness. May I be present in heart-centered attention so that I may listen to understand and respond instead of react. May I stay attuned to my own internal triggers, breathing in the resources of my self-lovingkindness and My Higher Self. May I stay in self awareness of my own ego’s impulses to react through patterns and roles that no longer serve me. May I first ask questions so that I may better understand the needs and concerns of others. May I stand strong, yet soft in my personal truth, sharing so that I may be understood and respected. May I have the wisdom to know and present my perspective as my personal narrative, my personal story. May I remember that others are in the ocean of their own humanity. May I not personalize their responses, projections, confusion, demands and attributions. May I have the clarity to request for my simple yet foundational needs to be met. May I hold prayer, asking for and opening to God’s will and timing, which most likely does not meet my ego’s expectations. May I hold laughter and positive regard for all, in this moment of learning. May I speak understanding of the essence of each of our concerns. I express my prayer and hope that our essential needs to be honored and met through God’s Grace. Beloved Great Spirit, May I be a steward of Your Peace and Equanimity. May I stay centered in My Sacred Heart. May I be a way-shower of a New Way of collaboration, mutuality and healing our Oneness. I Am Holy. As I believe, I AM. Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- Holding Space with Unconditional Love
Spirit is speaking at all times through all things. Each and every experience and/or feeling is a holy invitation to be present in the resonance of Unconditional Love and sacred communion within our Oneness. I Am with you, staying present with all feelings, no matter how welcome or uncomfortable. My heart-felt openness softens me to surrender. Our shared vulnerability provides a sacred doorway into the healing heart space of Unconditional Love. As I stay in self-compassion and acceptance of my own feelings and reactions, I also stay in compassion and acceptance of yours. Through my breathing and heart coherence*, I release my ego’s impulse to control and I stay open to be here with what is, free of agenda. Completely, I open my heart. I affirm My Spirit. I affirm Your Spirit. I affirm Great Spirit. Willfully, I give myself to be the conduit of Unconditional Love’s sacred presence in this very moment. My eyes are tender and connected. My ears are attuned and receptive. Listening to understand, I emanate complete acceptance through my open heart. I honor you exactly where you are. I hold the resonance of Love staying present unconditionally. My mind follows the instantaneous peaceful guidance of my Higher Self. Honoring your feelings and mine, I offer no advice or opinions. Reverently, I hold space, for you, us and this situation. My simple actions show mutual regard and lovingkindness for all involved. I stay in this space until we both surrender to kindness’s grace. May God’s Grace flow through us as God wills. And So It Is. And So I Am. (To learn more about heart coherence, visit www.hearthmath.org) You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- I Emanate Christ Consciousness Love
I breathe into my heart, absorbing illumination from My I AM Presence. I completely fill my heart from the very Source of Divine Love. I expand my breath, amplifying my increasing bliss. I conjure and flow pure Gratitude and I pray to be an open channel for peace, for love, for healing. I call upon Jesus and I feel His loving presence before me, around me. I breathe in the Love ~ ~ HE has for ME ~ ~ and my heart opens exponentially to experience the rhapsody of His Love. His Love is now inside of me. I smile with tears in my eyes: I Am worthy of this Love! I Am the capacity to receive this Love! I AM this Love. I have broken my barriers of unworthiness and I now experience the capacity of MY love to joyfully give back to my beloved brother. I breathe out from my heart and I return My Source Love back to Jesus… I stay in the flow of Oneness, giving and receiving pure Love. I continue breathing this blissful breath: Breathing in, I receive Divine Love, Holding my in-breath, I absorb Divine Love, Returning my breath, I expand Divine Love, Holding my out-breath, I project Divine Love. I experience blissful concert and pranic synergy with Jesus~ and all of Creation! I bathe myself and my home in this Love! I bathe my beloved family in this Love! I bathe all beings in this Love! I bathe Mother Gaia in this Love! I bathe God and all creation in this Love. Blissful, I AM. Grateful, I AM. DIVINE LOVE, I AM. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- May I Be Your Sanctuary
Whether you are a refugee, a stranger, a friend, or even come disguised as someone I perceive as my enemy, May I be your sanctuary. May my outreached hand be received by yours so that we may mutually assist and lift each other. May I listen to understand and to help without judgment or expectation of return. I will extend kindness and care, giving to you freely what I have so that you may share in my bounty. And for your wounds, I will offer my medicine. I will share my heart's warmth hoping only to spark our mutual light. May my tender open gaze be met by yours so that we can recognize our kindredship and perhaps, our transcendence. For I am thine, and thine is mine. The essence of God resides in you, as it resides in me. As you allow me this moment to be your sanctuary, you are mine. Namaste. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- My Prayer for You as You Embark on a New Journey
May you open your mind, heart and soul as you set your feet in new soil. May you walk about barefoot so that you can fully arrive and synchronize with Mother Earth’s transmissions, creative energy, and Her Heart's Presence in this place. May you receive and send love through your heart’s resonance and fully connect to the trees, the water, the rocks, the wind, the stars. May you attune to their unique expressions and Spirit. May you bow to the native Ancestors and the Guardians of the land. May you walk gently and respectfully through their beloved home, leaving only gifts and words of gratitude. May you allow your soul to whisper to the collective soul of this sacred place. May you be a blessing and be blessed with recognizing the messages and gifts being showered upon you. As you round each new corner, may you open your smile to grin ear to ear. May you fall in love with the local people, their songs, special foods, and beautiful expressions. May you join them at their tables and share the stories from your tables. May you be still and quiet, so that you may come to recognize their worldview, their prayers, and their dreams in your own. May you open your mind, heart and soul so completely, that you find yourself at Home. After you leave, may you unwrap the gifts of this journey for years to come. Even when your feet are in your home soil, may you allow your heart to journey to distant places and peoples so that you may become a guardian, an ancestor showering your bountiful love and protection onto all of the places your heart knows as Home. And so may you be blessed, forever more. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- The Storm of Radical Transformation
The Storm of Change is imminent. Pawing at any door which confines and traps, the barn mare is pacing anxiously, demanding her freedom. She senses the storm which will return her wildness, breaking down doors and structures which no longer will serve. The Storm of Change must be mighty, bringing all back to essential truths; because what else will remain when the Winds of Transformation move through us individually and collectively? Radical change is never peaceful, nor comfortable. We must uncover the invisible shackles which constrain us. That which betrays our best interest must surface into our knowing, and we must make a heartfelt, free will choice to facilitate our own growth and freedom so that we may transform and recover who we truly are. We will be asked again and again to let go of patterns that maintain our complacency and compliance in toxic patterns of our own construct. As we connect to the power of our personal Higher Self, we find the window in our Soul for our Spirit to sweep us clean through our own blessed winds of transformational change. In actualizing our Soul’s promise to be awake, wild and free, we reclaim our awareness and power as the Creator of our individual and collective reality. Purified and restored by the storms, holy and pure in our true nature, we can re-create life on this precious planet in true Harmony with ourselves, with others, and with our greater family of all beings who share our multidimensional home. May the prayers herein act as Your transmissions, may they become Your transformational activations to align You to the truth of who You are as You allow yourself to Awaken and Transform through The Activation of Your Sacred Phoenix. And so it is! Amen! Aho! Ashe! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation
- Reaffirming My Awakening Journey
Awakening means we are ready to transcend patterns we have overstayed due to comfort and fear. We are ready to leave the homes we built from our karmic baggage. We begin to confront how our (dis)comfort is no longer working for us, and we get to the point where we can no longer play our role in old familiar dynamics. We often will experience extreme self-doubt, sticky issues webbing us to old dynamics, and guilt that “we are leaving others behind” which will pull at our human heart strings. It is uncommon to receive encouragement and support because others realize that we cannot return to who they previously knew us to be. Spiritual Personal Transformation is a conscious, willful death, with the unknown awaiting us as we elect to trust new patterns and ways of being. Even when we have others to midwife us, to receive us and celebrate our Awakening, we are required to journey alone, trusting only ourselves, our soulful truths and our Spirit guiding us ahead. We must create our new territory from within. Even as we awaken, we are wise to expect that we will continue to feel the webbing of unresolved karmic issues that will yo-yo us internally and externally until we learn to release and transmute those dynamics as well. Trusting My Awakening Journey, I reaffirm for myself: I choose to follow the guidance of my Higher Self and Sacred Heart. I release explaining and convincing others to understand what I understand. I know that our Higher Selves are guiding our lessons in our highest and greatest good. I completely release my ego, as I know that there are no levels, no better or higher than another. I emanate Love as I know that everyone, including me, is exactly where we need to be for our Awakening Journey, however we experience that journey. I AM here to awaken, to transcend limiting patterns and beliefs and to transmute my miscreations back to my pure pranic, kundalini energy, the best I know how. I own my confidence in my newfound wings to explore my new territory of where I AM. I allow myself to learn how to release my attachments and enjoy the ride. I pray for our true freedom, individually and collectively. I pray that we may all trust the illuminating truth of our path of Love and Awakening, and know only Love as the nectar for our journey. And so it is. Amen. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation