Whether you are a refugee, a stranger, a friend,
or even come disguised
as someone I perceive as my enemy,
May I be your sanctuary.
May my outreached hand
be received by yours
so that we may mutually assist and lift each other.
May I listen to understand and to help
without judgment or expectation of return.
I will extend kindness and care,
giving to you freely what I have
so that you may share in my bounty.
And for your wounds,
I will offer my medicine.
I will share my heart's warmth
hoping only to spark our mutual light.
May my tender open gaze
be met by yours
so that we can recognize our kindredship
and perhaps, our transcendence.
For I am thine, and thine is mine.
The essence of God resides in you,
as it resides in me.
As you allow me
this moment
to be your sanctuary,
you are mine.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: