I breathe into my heart, absorbing illumination from My I AM Presence.
I completely fill my heart from the very Source of Divine Love.
I expand my breath, amplifying my increasing bliss.
I conjure and flow pure Gratitude
and I pray to be an open channel
for peace,
for love,
for healing.
I call upon Jesus
and I feel His loving presence
before me, around me.
I breathe in the Love
~ ~ HE has for ME ~ ~
and my heart opens exponentially
to experience the rhapsody
of His Love.
His Love is now inside of me.
I smile with tears in my eyes:
I Am worthy of this Love!
I Am the capacity to receive this Love!
I AM this Love.
I have broken my barriers of unworthiness
and I now experience the capacity of
MY love
to joyfully give back to my beloved brother.
I breathe out from my heart
and I return My Source Love
back to Jesus…
I stay in the flow of Oneness,
giving and receiving pure Love.
I continue breathing this blissful breath:
Breathing in, I receive Divine Love,
Holding my in-breath, I absorb Divine Love,
Returning my breath, I expand Divine Love,
Holding my out-breath, I project Divine Love.
I experience
blissful concert
and pranic synergy
with Jesus~
and all of Creation!
I bathe myself and my home in this Love!
I bathe my beloved family in this Love!
I bathe all beings in this Love!
I bathe Mother Gaia in this Love!
I bathe God and all creation in this Love.
Blissful, I AM.
Grateful, I AM.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: