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  • The Blessing to Fully Feel

    Through Self-Love I provide myself safe spaces for all the messiness of stored grief: for my inner child to cry, yell, expel and express her pain for all the unresolved hurts, big and small. I wrap my arms around myself, and I ask for Divine Love to hold me. I surrender to curling up and crying in my aloneness, knowing that I Am held while outwardly I convulse in loneliness. I allow myself to be hysterical. I groan, I sob, I yell silently, I bawl loudly, I weep no tears and I cry a river of tears. I allow myself to feel sorry for myself. I indulge my projections, my tales of pain, hurt. I find a way to break through the wall and to let whatever needs to come out, To flow unexcusedly. I allow my face to get terribly red and hot, and my eyes to get blotchy and swollen. I snottily detonate my nose! I allow myself to be seen by others who can hold the space, others who are metamorphosing into their whole-heartedness right alongside me. I reach out to hold you in the blessed contagiousness of our sorrows. I fall into the embrace, the maelstrom of our shared expression of release, and the comforting love of being held... by me, by Divine Love, by you. My grief is my balm, my medicine, my passage for my healing reclamation to wholehearted living. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • The Blessing of Saying No

    I lovingly empower myself to say no. I know that when I start with respecting me that all of my relationships benefit. I observe and protect my inner child, I hear her impulse to want to give, to fix. I treasure her precious heart that wants to devote her alchemy, her kindness, her resources to others in an attempt to secure their well-being. And her value and belonging to them. I recognize the many times that I perceived other’s suffering, triggering my own pain of disconnection. I used to believe that if I could only tend to and heal others, that they would heal, blossom and be grateful, and would return the love and the connection for which I longed. I unintentionally participated in love and healing as a commodity for worth and sacrificial responsibility. Now, I know that each person’s pain is a personal invitation to restore their sacred wholeness. We each have our work to do. Now, when I practice boundaries, saying no with confidence and security, I Am expressing respect for myself as well as my deep love for others, assured that they are the solution they seek. When I say no to them, I invite my loved one to be responsible for their own evolution. I have learned that there is nothing to fear in struggle and pain. I lovingly empower myself to say no. I lovingly shift my attention to myself, grounding and securing myself so then I may lovingly maintain healthy boundaries. Doing so, I express my deepest capacity of loving you by loving me. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Sacred Phoenix

    BELOVED, help me know that I Am enough. What is it? Deep inside me, that leaves me doubting myself even as I take to the air with my mighty wings? Just as I believe in my greatness, I remind myself of what cursed Icarus, And I nose-dive, folding my wings mid-flight. What do I fear? Do I fear my hubris, my possible arrogance, my emboldened naïveté? Do I fear that I will give away my power to others once again? That I will acquiesce to the voices that stifled my dreams as silly and foolish, admonishing me to behave and obey? Do I fear that I will be cast from my visions of my greatness, and that the sun might melt my waxed wings, catapulting me down to be broken once again? Ahhh...wait! I find myself again! From the infinite light inside, as a phoenix from the ashes I remember, and I rise! It is a fallacy that the gods want to punish me for using my brilliance to escape that which entraps me. It is a fallacy that the gods want to punish me for using my wings so that I may fly close to the sun. The truth that resonates clearly in my heart is that I AM Loved beyond measure, and that the heavens are mine to explore. Deep in my cellular memory, I remember playing freely throughout all galactic space, as light and sound waves move, without limit. When I allow myself to fly high I become One with the sun. I shine MY light, I return my song to the cosmos and harmonize with the eternal miracle of light returning to light. One of the greatest gifts of this human journey, that is the truth of my birthright: I am fallible! As I attempt and fail, I position myself to resurrect into a new form time and time again. And each time I rise, more emboldened with my light, I bring renewed flame to our collective light! Awakening the truth of OUR god-ness in form. For this, I AM eternally grateful. Amen! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am My Masterpiece In Progress

    Everything in my life has been leading up to this moment, the current culmination of the masterpiece of my life lived. Defined, not by standards of perfection nor the absence of struggle. I Am the intuitive creator of my journey of messy and profound self transformation. I Am a beautiful work in progress and through each heartbreak, or heart opening expansion, I grow in new ways that I was previously unable. The paradox of growth is that it happens by breaking something old familiar comfortable but not necessarily what has been most healthy nor in my greatest interest. With each new life shift, I need to leave certain territory, friends, roles, and belief systems behind in order to grow. However painful this is, I must evolve. I Am here to grow and learn! I Am here to heal and flourish! I Am here to trust my own heart, my truth. This does not make me uncaring or selfish. This is me lovingly showing up for myself So that I may continue to bravely expand beyond my expectations. And so it is. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Awaken with Gratitude to the Blessings in My Struggles

    Beloved, thank you for this precious gift of life and another day to be a heart beating with Love. I open myself to all that presents itself as my creative opportunity to be Love-in-progress. May I feel Your Mercy and Grace soften my resentments, anger, regrets. I Am grateful today for the opportunity to still be here, trying. May I be loving and kind to myself. May I be loving and kind to others. May I respect other’s needs as I recognize mine. May I speak my truth, while listening to theirs. May I stay committed to my loving convictions even when so much is still unresolved. Thank you for this day to continue actualizing My Transcendent Masterpiece of my life wholeheartedly lived! Amen! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am an Elemental Tsunami of Creative Magic!

    My self critic often immobilizes me during times of inspiration and change. From within, I cast doubt onto my creative ideas and reprimand myself to stay in my lane, to get back to productive work, and to not waste my time on silly dreams. No more! I wrap my arms around myself, and affirm: Sweetheart, you have a right (nay…the duty!) to dream and to take up space. Who are you to deny the creative energy inside of you, that can birth beautiful destinies, and new universes into being? Stand up! Shake off the part of you who learned to comply, to shrink, to abandon yourself; who learned to conceal your whimsical creator in order to earn gold stars for your compliance. Stand up! Reclaim your inner dreamer who rapturously plays, sings and dances imagination into reality. Stand up! You are elemental magic. Remember your childhood fearlessness. You would attempt and fail stunningly and cry and laugh and persevere to “go for it” again and again. Stand up! Resurrect your inner goddess! Sing your glorious music and project your visions into the heavens! You can embody anything and everything you conceive. Commanding alchemy, You know how to enchant fantastical new worlds into being, engaging life itself to co-conspire with your dreams. Sweetheart, it is not about mastery and it is not about seeking and getting anyone’s approval; it is about playing, creating, loving, being! Dream your dream into being! Allow your precious, healed, playful Inner Child to lead The Way. And so it is! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am Ready to Transform

    From an intrinsic inner calling, I know it is time to dissolve into a promise of my next evolution of who I AM destined to become. Just as the caterpillar transfigures into the butterfly, I release into the innate knowing that who I Am now is only one of countless permutations of who I AM, And from the essence of my free will, who I now choose to be. Beloved, please grant me the bravery to self isolate. So that I may pull back from all the roles that I play and all the expectations others hold of me. So that I may retreat into the form of a protective chrysalis. Grant me the self confidence to be my own sacred container as I dissolve previous foundational beliefs and patterns and surrender myself back into the pure matter of all potentiality. Embolden me with my sovereign wisdom, so that I may create impenetrable protective boundaries to resist the attachments and attempts from others to keep me in the patterns that give them the most comfort. Grant me humility and patience as I allow my creativity to rise, as I try on new forms and ideas more authentic and true to my beautiful Sacred Heart as I AM now. Strengthen my resilience and self conviction as I transform setbacks into surrender and trust in my own exquisite process to self define. I AM allowing myself to embody my divine and beautiful potential in my full glorious form and to see myself through Your unconditionally loving, adoring conception for me. When I feel my clarity of who I AM, grant me the confidence to take flight with my new-found wings to be free and glorious and to instinctually evade predators, while feeding on the sweet nectar abundantly available all around me. Beloved, grant me the wisdom to know that I can create and re-create myself again and again, following the guidance of My Higher Self who brings me to new heights as my consciousness expands again and again. And so it is. I AM THAT I AM Conceived and created from bountiful Divine Love, My creative expansion knows no limits! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am Learning to Lovingly Detach

    I release all expectations and attachments to my preconceived beliefs about probable outcomes. I stay in the truth of my immediate experience, and release all of my expectations/interpretations of what others may think. I know I Am provided for in this earth realm from my first breath until my last. God is in charge, not me. I breathe into trusting the universal plan. I stay in my own lane. I submit to God’s will, while staying focused on my internal process of radical, loving self-transformation. For this is my sacred promise since the conception of my human soul: I will create true harmony, love, forgiveness, and peace from within and for me: to then pour purely into the collective cups of our shared humanity. From our perceived individual to our collective transcendence, So It Is! Amen. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Grand Rising Gratitude

    As I rise this morning, I intentionally open my awareness through my heart: This life is a gift. I have been gifted my breath, and so I begin my day giving back my pranic breath, emanating gratitude from deep within my beautiful heart. This life is a gift. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and I stretch my body. How good to have a body! I hug myself and those who share my home. This life is a gift and truly is mine to do as I will. I activate my imagination so that I may connect to my essence within. I ask myself, what will bring me joy today? I make a promise to do that very thing. May I be kind in every interaction with myself and all others. May my kindness spark others to more fully ignite their light. How good to greet the day with excitement and gratitude! I pray that I will meet each day with incrementally more happiness, no matter the outer circumstances. How beautiful to think that I will eventually meet my death, being the happiest I have ever been. I Am here! Awake in this miracle of life. Joyfully surrendering myself into the pulse of giving and receiving. And so I rise! Amen. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Prayer for Peaceful Dreams and Sleep

    I declare that my sleep tonight will be restful. I have deep gratitude, knowing that my guardian angels watch over me as I sleep and that no harm can come to me. I ask the dream-weaver within my soul to give me dreams that I can assimilate and understand with ease, using imagery that alerts but does not provoke my ego to the point of my distress or disconnect. In case I wake with any feelings of discomfort or distress, I invoke Saint Germaine‘s Violet Flame for protection* and envision the Violet Flame’s protective tube of light until my security is restored: “Beloved I AM Presence bright, Round me seal your tube of light From Ascended Master flame Called forth now in God's own name. Let it keep my temple free From all discord sent to me. I AM calling forth violet fire To blaze and transmute all desire, Keeping on in Freedom's name Till I AM one with the violet flame.” I AM safe. God’s love always surrounds me. My journey is always blessed for my learning and designed for my success. I AM safe. And so it is! Amen (learn about St. Germaine’s Violet Flame: You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Healing My Health Concerns

    I Decree: I AM a miraculous orchestration of energy appearing as matter. I AM trust and faith in action knowing all power is mine. I AM Karuna Compassion for myself and for my precious cells beckoning my loving attention. For my self healing, I breathe into being present, while releasing fear. I observe any pain and discordance within my body. I Am with what is, without projecting fear. I ground myself in my core belief that All that I experience inside and outside me is a reflection of me. I know that nothing that is of me can harm me. Through my body’s expressions, I Am witnessing what I have created consciously and subconsciously from my infinite experiences. I release my ego’s guilt, judgment and fear beliefs; simultaneously I soften and breathe into my loving self-intentions. I center myself in acceptance and power as the sovereign creator of my own experience in this precious life moment. Generous with myself, I call in all of the Angelic Beings and Guides who love me unconditionally: Bless me so that I may receive exactly what I need in my highest and best interest! I decree: I AM powerful (beyond what I was taught). I AM a beautiful lighthouse of love. My radiant love-light flows from my God-Self. I bask myself and my cells in radiant LovingKindness. Beyond any doubt, I Am worthy of perfect health, well-being, peace and joy. As I allow myself to embody this truth, I invoke healing energy within my areas of concern. I command any energy resonating other than as God conceived for me be released to the heavens to be transmitted back into Christ Consciousness patterns of perfection and purity. Hands over my heart, I center my focus on my heart and I attune to this miraculous resonance within, holding and magnify this healing within the holiest chamber of my sacred heart. I proclaim: With every breath, I amplify this alchemic transmission until my healing is complete. I know my path is blessed by miracles! I surrender to the miracles, opening all of my senses and my heart to witness the blessings flowing into my life, Right Now. Clear in my resolve to transmute my revealed miscreations, I promise to prioritize myself, and through self-dedication to engage in the healthy behaviors and rituals which honor my needs to thrive and flow. Thank You! All is well. And So It Is! And So I AM! I AM Love! I AM Loved! Amen

  • Prayer for Healing My Illness

    As I surrender to the help that is beyond my conscious constructs: I release all fear, knowing that all real healing comes from trust, allowing and receiving. I pray for Healing Grace to go deep within allowing the healing that I need by transforming anything in my tissues that I mistakenly hold as mine. In this eternal moment, I know that I Am worthy of my complete healing. I allow my breath of life to completely release any guilt, worry, fears, sorrow, uncertainty presenting as illness from my body, mind, heart and soul. I release all suffering. Through faith, I claim my health, my strength and my declaration for the ongoing brilliance of my beautiful life! I surrender to the knowledge that I AM Divinely loved and that I AM Divine Love. I AM safe. I AM healed. And So It Is. Amen and Thank You. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

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