I lovingly empower myself to say no.
I know that when I start
with respecting me
that all of my relationships benefit.
I observe and protect my inner child,
I hear her impulse to want to give, to fix.
I treasure her precious heart
that wants to devote her alchemy,
her kindness,
her resources to others
in an attempt to secure their well-being.
And her value
and belonging to them.
I recognize the many times that
I perceived other’s suffering,
triggering my own pain of disconnection.
I used to believe that if I could
only tend to and heal others,
that they would heal, blossom and be grateful,
and would return the love
and the connection for which I longed.
I unintentionally participated
in love and healing as a commodity
for worth and sacrificial responsibility.
Now, I know that each person’s pain
is a personal invitation
to restore their sacred wholeness.
We each have our work to do.
Now, when I practice boundaries,
saying no with confidence and security,
I Am expressing respect for myself
as well as my deep love for others,
assured that they are the solution they seek.
When I say no to them,
I invite my loved one
to be responsible for their own evolution.
I have learned that
there is nothing to fear in struggle and pain.
I lovingly empower myself to say no.
I lovingly shift my attention to myself,
grounding and securing myself
so then I may
maintain healthy boundaries.
Doing so,
I express my deepest capacity
of loving you by loving me.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: