Everything in my life
has been leading up to this moment,
the current culmination of the masterpiece of my life lived.
Defined, not by standards of perfection nor the absence of
struggle. I Am the intuitive creator of my journey
of messy and profound self transformation.
I Am a beautiful work in progress
and through each heartbreak,
or heart opening expansion,
I grow in new ways that I was previously unable.
The paradox of growth is that it happens
by breaking
but not necessarily what has been most healthy
nor in my greatest interest.
With each new life shift,
I need to leave certain territory,
roles, and
belief systems
in order to grow.
However painful this is, I must evolve.
I Am here to grow and learn!
I Am here to heal and flourish!
I Am here to trust my own heart,
my truth.
This does not make me uncaring or selfish.
This is me lovingly showing up
for myself
So that I may continue to bravely expand
beyond my expectations.
And so it is.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: