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  • My Higher Self’s Prayer for ME

    May you always be a work in progress. May you feel the pains of your transgressions so that you can learn to truly forgive others their humanity. May you fall enough that you learn to pick yourself up and steady yourself with every-growing confidence, resilience and determination. May you come to know you are never, have never, and will never be alone. May you love another so purely that you find your capacity for unconditional love. May you embrace your worthiness, breaking all illusions of self-limitations. And may you pour bountiful Grace into all of your unhealed wounds. May you be humbled, and question your every belief so, by your own volition, you may tear down the towers and rebuild beautiful new structures. And may you tear those down, again and again, until radiant Love and Light are all that remain, releasing your need to build any structures at all. And so it is. May you realize that you are Loved and that you are Love. You always will be, as you always have been. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am Made for Times Like These

    Deep within me resides a seed which can only be coerced open by the fiery initiation of THIS unprecedented challenge. Humbled by my perceived limits, with no superhero to deliver me I pull from within and birth the vulnerable beginning of my legend story. Yet unwritten, I only know that somehow I must and I will prevail. Before me and behind me, I sense the mighty trees of my ancestral forest. Guided by invisible forces of interconnectivity and support, I instinctually root myself. I seek and receive from the bountiful resources that are here, just for me. I allow my new growth to initiate me to who I Am now destined to be. From this vantage point I cannot see the forest, but I can feel it through my conviction, and my renewed knowing of something greater guiding my unprecedented growth. I AM my potential. I AM the legend of the humble, imperfect greatness I AM destined to become. I stay present in this moment, and each moment to follow, and I instinctively do the next right thing. As I powerfully grip the earth for my survival, I gratefully surrender to the grace of my forest. I Am being held, sustained and nurtured by my network of being and belonging. I have everything I need. I AM everything I need. I AM made for this very moment, birthing into my greatness! I AM that I AM. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Healing My White Privilege

    I come from a broken tribe, whose ancestors were raped and decimated into compliance. I have ancestors who rebelled against colonialism and the toxic patriarchy. I have ancestors who never forgot and held onto their witchy ways, defying the diseases of oppression and acculturation. Unfortunately, they are hidden deep in the archives of my blood: only to be found in my knowing and desire to believe. More assuredly, I have ancestors who hid, sold and lost their souls at the expense of countless others' for the illusion of safety. I have ancestors who succumbed to the temptations of delicacies, prominence, and resources that privilege hold. Easily colonized and righteously christianized, my ancestors donned the clothes of the oppressors. In their soulful loss, they prevailed. I was born into their white washed skin with racism’s blood staining my hands, my beliefs, my soul, my epigenetics. My ancestors reside in my bones and in my blood. I feel them, and am often bereft by the pain, guilt, grief, shame from their diseased egos, broken hearts and fractured souls. I feel and carry our generational trauma in my own heavy heart, and in my own fundamental deep recesses of shame and unworthiness. I also own my responsibility and my comfort in societal roles and privileges granted me. Uncomfortably, I acknowledge I am racist. Fully acculturated, I have perpetuated, benefited by and have even protected my privileges of freedom that is my blue-blooded white-skinned American right. I am “free”, and yet why do I feel like I’m a prisoner, reinforcing others' imprisonment to protect my meager privileges and rations for my children? Fueled by my white guilt, my attempts to live a conciliatory lifestyle have only taken me so far. Now committed to staying radically awake, I Am fighting to reclaim my soul and my living legacy in this world, and to lovingly transmute my bloodline’s miscreations. Humbly and contritely, I acknowledge my privilege, my racism. I strive to speak my truth. I strive to live life truly in concert with my beliefs, values. I strive to call out racism, oppression, colonialization when I see it, starting with myself and for others to witness their deeper truths. I strive for my actions to reflect my words, my beliefs. I welcome others to be my mirror, to call me out, to challenge me so that I may see my blind spots and grow. I seek to fundamentally change my basic agreements within all structures in which I reside. While I Am a work in progress, I promise to be guided by my deepest integrity. I will do my best to act in the best interest of all of my brothers and sisters. I will do my best to be true to the fundamental rule of the Circle: what I give, comes back to me; and all that I receive is reciprocated to continue the flow of abundance. I care for you as I desire to be cared for, always in a most beloved way. I honor my truth that we are all integral and essential to our Oneness. With my heartfelt prayer for mutual forgiveness and abiding understanding, I humbly (and powerfully) seek to reclaim my place in the Circle, in our Oneness. I will always create and share with respect and reverence for all to co-thrive in Mother Gaia’s perfect interdependent multidimensional realm. And so it is. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Shattering My Conditioning

    When I was young, I learned to turn away from what I was feeling inside. Those around me could not mirror and help me attune to the signals of my inner experience. Perhaps those around them also lacked emotional and spiritual attunement and were disconnected from recognizing these signals. For how many generations has this been? When were my bloodlines colonized, desensitized and sterilized? At what cost? At what trauma? How deep does this numbness go? This numbness that has us perpetuating an unending anesthesia, separating us from our hearts, our Spirits, each other? I have come to know that this is the way oppressive systems intentionally and systematically seek to control the powerful way we connect to our own God-given wisdom and magic; and to separate us from our innate intuitive empathic connection to each other, numbing our telepathic heart-centered attunement within the interconnective web of all things. We have all been enslaved to build and maintain our own imprisonment. The powers-that-be capitalize on duality and polarities, creating hierarchies and classifications of worthiness, granting meager privileges with contrived value to what we have been programmed to seek, obtain, compete and protect at each other’s cost for perceived security and fortune. Some of us have forgotten we are asleep, and defend the paradigms of our own imprisonment. Others of us are too overwhelmed and scared to awaken, feeling riddled with unnamed anxiety and constantly haunted by the looming penance of unresolved trauma’s cost to remember and reclaim what has gone unfelt. Others feel compelled to feel, to name, to share and to even gather in unsanctioned public spaces, risking being called witches, zealots, hippies and rebels in order to reclaim our connections to our heart’s inner guidance, each other, and our Oneness. And our sovereign freedom. I now reject this conditioning! I reclaim my power and connection to Self, God and my family of all Beings. I AM that powerful. I AM loving myself and all life back to freedom! Rebelliously and miraculously, I AM lovingly learning to love me! And you. I will no longer divide my heart in judgment and condemnation. I will no longer neglect, suppress and suspect my internal feelings and needs. I am not scared to feel my own heart! As I embrace, accept and heal all I feel inside, I discover and trust the beautiful truth and power of who I AM. With radical forgiveness and radical responsibility, I AM shattering all imprisoning illusions and my complacency. I AM loving myself and all life back to freedom! And so it is! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Wake Up!

    The alarm is going off. Don’t you hear it? It chimes gently at first, inviting you to the dawning of a bright new day. Curious “new” thoughts that stir your soul; an “untraditional” path that calls your name; a voice from within that demands you be authentic to yourself... Do you awaken? Or do you turn off the alarm and go back to sleep? The call is getting louder now, and your attempts to ignore and disregard only create more discomfort within. Can you feel your heart racing faster? Your palms sweaty? Your mind racing, responding to your anxiety’s holy agitation? Taught in your conditioning to suppress your natural signals and to control your inner workings, you may feel panicky as your unease will not be numbed. Compulsive attempts to distract yourself and to fake some feel-good ride through your favorite addiction only amplifies the pain in your disconnect. If still ignored, the alarm's siren becomes “stuck on” inside you, now presenting as an illness, despondency or depression. Or perhaps worse, you have dissociated from your soul, and have let lower energies possess you and indoctrinate you into their fear-based paradigms with empty promises. If these words have penetrated your defenses and have you thinking or feeling, it’s not too late! You are heeding the alarm: Awake!! As in the movie, The Matrix, the wake up call invites us to awaken from our programming, our anesthesia, from the viral conditioning of the mainstream toxic patriarchy. The call is to remember your heart, who you truly are! While your Awakening can feel painful as you flounder with profound meaning-of-life questions and you grapple with your fears of beginning anew: There is a whole community of love and support awaiting your recognition! This love and support will come in the form of those who recognize your Sacred Phoenix emerging and your Sacred Heart leading. This love and support will cheer you on as you bravely self-define! This love and support will never require you to betray your best interest and will never ask you to join an army to wage war with anyone else. Wake up! To the bright new day dawning, awaiting your heartfelt recognition, embrace, and soulful emergence! It is absolutely possible to wholeheartedly LOVE who you truly are, to shine brilliantly as you fulfill your soul’s passions, and create beautiful new paradigms with the people who celebrate your most authentic nature. Indeed, the whole world benefits as you resonate YOUR UNIQUE AND PRECIOUS VIBRATION OF JOY! OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • My Inner Sanctum

    I often get confused as I relax into a lesson-learned. Inevitably, I get triggered again, confronted with more miscreations and more to heal. Humbly, I remember I Am here to be vulnerable, imperfect, and to struggle for it is through being lost, that I AM found. Born into this world innocent, holy and pure I masterfully create all that I Am here to heal. I downloaded it all! My miscreations, my pain, my fears from beyond this lifetime. I have conjured difficult relationships that would have me betray my strengths to once again be embroiled in victim and invisibility patterns. I have manifested you as my nemesis, yet in truth you are my reflection, my friend, my teacher. You are exactly as you need to be and exactly as I need you to be for my learning. In my blessed pain and confusion, I retreat to my inner sanctum. With lovingkindness and resilient self compassion, I meet my inner voices of self criticism, self condemnation: my inner prophet of an impending doomsday. And I sit in the holiness of my hurt, fear, loneliness, aloneness. In the company of stillness and no thing, Here I find my greatest resources of Love, Grace and Self Truth. Alone with myself, with no one to critique or approve of me, I soften with self-compassion and tender acceptance. Eventually, I meet my creator, my Goddess Within, my Higher Self. As I birth her, she births me. The only way I can truly become who I AM destined to be in this realm is through the Holy act of my repeated self-creation. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • We Are Collectively Birthing A New Paradigm

    There is a quickening happening now. The contractions are coming closer together as we are collectively birthing a new paradigm and a new sacred reality with Mother Gaia and the Company of Heaven. Old paradigms of power and control are collapsing. Indeed, things must die and be transformed in order for new life to come into Be-ing. We have been training for lifetimes, to midwife this shift of ages. I steady myself to be in the world, but not of the world. I Am aware of how many people are flailing in fear beliefs as we are constantly being reminded of our vulnerability and mortality. I meet my fear of change with reassurance that old paradigms need to challenged and deconstructed for new growth to emerge. I resist the disease of duality and I choose to trust my brothers and sisters who think differently than me. I meet them with radical Unconditional Love. I turn inward, doing my Self work of transforming and healing all fears back into faith and love. I trust, beyond proof and my human understanding, that I Am part of a great invisible web of interconnective lightworkers. I root deep into my trust of the deep and broad grid of our collective light work. I breathe faith into the collective’s contractions so our shared midwifing remains strong and courageous yet gentle and reassured. I consciously choose to resonate at the frequencies of Unconditional Love, radical forgiveness, fearlessness, and JOY being here, Now. I sing, I dance, I laugh, I play, I celebrate. As we give Way to the Age of Aquarius to the New Earth for the highest and greatest good for all Beings! Aho! Ashe! Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Restoring the Divine Mother and the Divine Father Within

    I Am cultivating the Divine Mother within who validates, reassures, nurtures, feeds, heals, and restores my heart and my Inner Child. She teaches me how essential and lovable I Am, securing me with her Unconditional Love. She enriches and decorates my inner world, my inner sanctum so that my goodness and creativity can flourish. She nourishes and celebrates my precious essence, adorning me as the Divine Being I Am. I Am cultivating the Divine Father within who sets and maintains boundaries, protects, provides, and acts to secure my well-being. He honors and loves me unconditionally, insisting all other do the same. He navigates the outer world on my behalf, detecting and slaying predators, rebuffing those who would harvest my goodness for their own gain. He confidently directs mutual respect and insures my needs and wants are reverently met as I share my precious essence and heart. As I learn to better nurture, nourish and protect myself, I forgive my earthly significant others and my bloodlines for that which they could/can not give in their own unrecognized brokenness. As I practice my newly cultivated self-care and boundaries practices, I will naturally challenge others' programming and patterns. I fortify myself within as I weather these winds of change. My Divine Mother and Father within hug me tightly, celebrating my reclamation of my Internal Garden of Eden, forever awaiting my return. Aho! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Loving the Divine Masculine Back in to Wholeness

    With Isis, who resurrected Osiris and returned him to wholeness, as our guide: May we begin with our sons, our boys, may we foster and protect the sacredness of their authentic spirits. May we protect their sweet hearts: full of tenderness, vulnerability, Inquisitiveness and exploration. May we celebrate their magic, their desire to create, their drive to connect and nurture. May we fend back forces that seek to subjugate and control their pure physical drive and their transformative emotional essence. May we protect their tears and guide them to trust their desires to collaborate instead of to compete and destroy. May we empower them to always insist upon consent and to trust their worth to enter intimate sacred palaces of Love and vulnerability. May we continue with our partners, our brothers, our men. May we revolt against the toxic conditioning which has enslaved them through internalized aggression, hyper-sexualization and self-betraying egos. May we stop the practice of condoning and sacrificing them through acts of war. May we lovingly hold them accountable for their transgressions, insisting they honor their hearts and ours. May we challenge them to regain their confidence in their sensuality and powerful Tantric tenderness. May we challenge them to explore their dreams, sacred desires, soul missions and to step out of the blue collar and white collar factories meant to capitalize on their energetic gifts. May we challenge them to hold, nurture and protect our children’s tender innocence, surrendering their hearts completely into the healing graces of bonded love. May we ask them to lead in acts of forgiveness and retribution so that transgressions may become opportunities for common growth. May they radically rewrite and reclaim their emotions and vulnerability as power and not weakness. May they regain their sacred place in co-leading whole families and whole societies. May we stop the toxic exploitation of our precious men, especially our men of color. Responsible within, I also heal my inner masculine energy. May I own where I exploit power and aggress. May I make reparations to amend my miscreations. May I recognize that whenever I point my finger towards another, that I must reconcile with my own fingers pointing back at me. May I become a stewart of action and responsibility to be the change I want to see. AND, may our men, by their own volition, engage their own Sacred Phoenix to heal their Inner Child and their Sacred Heart! May we co-create through our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy to re-create the world as protective and respectful for all beings to reach their Divine Potential! And, may it be so! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Prayer for Loving Kindness

    I close my eyes, put my hand on my heart and I pray: Quan Yin, please bless me with your absolute Karuna Compassion so that I may stay in a state of perfect love and acceptance of myself and all others. Accepting everything as is without judgments, expectations, or attachments. I pray to embody LovingKindness. I Am Loving Kindness I Am Loving Kindness I Am Loving Kindness and So It Is! Om Mani Padme Hum. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Prayer to Accept Divine Intervention

    O Blessed Mother Mary Thank You for Your ever present nurturing Motherly love. You have cradled and cared for me through my coldest and darkest nights. Now, I call to you as I am in another dark hour, I am overwhelmed by so many complex feelings of grief, confusion, anger, fear, and such deep sadness. I recognize a part of my devastation is that long ago I abandoned myself, to be everything for everyone else. And now, as I feel the crumbling of these structures and roles I constructed, I pray that I may recover ME from deep under the rubble. For ME. I submit to You as the raw sprawl of chaos I Am. I deliver myself at Your feet, to be wrapped and bundled by You. May I hear Your hallowed lullaby reminding me of my divine worth, truth and beauty as You swaddle me and comfort me so lovingly. Please teach me to receive Your love; and by doing so to receive MY own love and my own resources for my survival, my perseverance, and my thriving as my own beloved. Please teach me how to navigate this transformational invitation by loving me first. Please teach me to follow in Your footsteps of truthful strength, holy conviction, and unshakable faith, until I walk in the virtue of My own invincible spirit, My authentic truth, My holy conviction, And in the fullness of My Divine Promise. Thank you! Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Forgiveness

    I Am walking a path which I walked with you a number of times. We laughed, we smiled, we explored silence, we held each other in such beautiful synchronicity and compassion. I have never forgotten the beauty. I treasure our time together. I smile broadly as I think about you rounding the corner of the path to where I sit. How nice it would be to greet each other from the gratitude of our hearts and to find that we never left the garden. I stay in this alchemic imagining, as I feel the healing energy from our souls. I affirm My I AM presence and my loving beautiful heart. I affirm Your I AM presence and your loving beautiful heart. In this space beyond time, I sit with you. Shoulder to shoulder in the silence My heart completely infused with the Ho’oponopono Prayer of Forgiveness: I Am sorry for the ways that you experienced hurt from me. Please forgive me for turning away from you to walk separate paths. I pray you have found grace and goodness in your destiny. My love for you is eternal, as the voluminous night sky. Thank you for our journey together. I have grown through our soulful lessons and I Am infinitely grateful for you. I bid you well on your journey, my friend. I love you, I love you, I love you. I hold your beautiful face and I smile. I release you until we meet again in this eternal loving space. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

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