May you always be a work in progress.
May you feel the pains of your transgressions
so that you can learn
to truly forgive others their humanity.
May you fall enough that you learn
to pick yourself up
and steady yourself with every-growing
confidence, resilience and determination.
May you come to know you are never,
have never, and will never be alone.
May you love another so purely
that you find your capacity
for unconditional love.
May you embrace your worthiness,
breaking all illusions of self-limitations.
And may you pour bountiful Grace
into all of your unhealed wounds.
May you be humbled,
and question your every belief
so, by your own volition,
you may tear down the towers
and rebuild beautiful new structures.
And may you tear those down, again and again,
until radiant Love and Light are all that remain,
releasing your need
to build any structures at all.
And so it is.
May you realize that you are Loved
and that
you are Love.
You always will be,
as you always have been.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: