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My Inner Sanctum

I often get confused as I relax into a lesson-learned.

Inevitably, I get triggered again,

confronted with more miscreations and more to heal.


I remember

I Am here to be vulnerable, imperfect, and to struggle

for it is through being lost,

that I AM found.

Born into this world innocent, holy and pure

I masterfully create all that I Am here to heal.

I downloaded it all!

My miscreations, my pain, my fears from beyond this lifetime.

I have conjured difficult relationships that would have me betray my

strengths to once again be embroiled in victim and invisibility patterns.

I have manifested you as my nemesis, yet in truth you are my reflection, my friend, my teacher. You are exactly as you need to be and exactly as I need you to be for my learning.

In my blessed pain and confusion,

I retreat to my inner sanctum.

With lovingkindness and resilient self compassion,

I meet my inner voices of self criticism, self condemnation: my inner prophet of an impending doomsday.


I sit in the holiness

of my hurt, fear, loneliness, aloneness.

In the company of stillness and no thing,

Here I find my greatest resources of Love, Grace and Self Truth.

Alone with myself, with no one to critique or approve of me,

I soften with self-compassion and tender acceptance.

Eventually, I meet my creator,

my Goddess Within,

my Higher Self.

As I birth her, she births me.

The only way I can truly become

who I AM destined to be in this realm

is through the Holy act of my repeated self-creation.


You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase:


I hope this prayer is a blessing for you.


Please personalize it with your own words and beautiful heart-resonant energy.


If this prayer has touched your heart, and you would like to support my work, 

you can make a donation of your choosing through PayPal or Patreon

Thank you!


Blessings, Lisa

I gratefully receive support through Patreon and PayPal to continue creating prayers for individual and collective spiritual evolution.  

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Legal Disclaimer: In using PrayerSmith and/or Lisa Catania’s offerings, you acknowledge your responsibility for your self-determined best interest.  Lisa Catania as PrayerSmith does not diagnose or prescribe treatment, including mental health services. (Lisa Catania, LCSW, provider of professional psychotherapy services in the State of Illinois, offers separate services requiring specific consent and agreements.)

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