I often get confused as I relax into a lesson-learned.
Inevitably, I get triggered again,
confronted with more miscreations and more to heal.
I remember
I Am here to be vulnerable, imperfect, and to struggle
for it is through being lost,
that I AM found.
Born into this world innocent, holy and pure
I masterfully create all that I Am here to heal.
I downloaded it all!
My miscreations, my pain, my fears from beyond this lifetime.
I have conjured difficult relationships that would have me betray my
strengths to once again be embroiled in victim and invisibility patterns.
I have manifested you as my nemesis, yet in truth you are my reflection, my friend, my teacher. You are exactly as you need to be and exactly as I need you to be for my learning.
In my blessed pain and confusion,
I retreat to my inner sanctum.
With lovingkindness and resilient self compassion,
I meet my inner voices of self criticism, self condemnation: my inner prophet of an impending doomsday.
I sit in the holiness
of my hurt, fear, loneliness, aloneness.
In the company of stillness and no thing,
Here I find my greatest resources of Love, Grace and Self Truth.
Alone with myself, with no one to critique or approve of me,
I soften with self-compassion and tender acceptance.
Eventually, I meet my creator,
my Goddess Within,
my Higher Self.
As I birth her, she births me.
The only way I can truly become
who I AM destined to be in this realm
is through the Holy act of my repeated self-creation.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: