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  • Healing From Grief

    Last night I dreamt of you and remembered losing you all over again. I relived the heart-wrenching realization that you are gone from my life and that I have no other choice but to grieve you and bury you. How could it be true that you are really gone? And yet, in the morning’s light and routines, I eerily find the dream fading away. As if I Am suspended between realities, I Am not sure what to allow… Let you disappear all over again with the charge of the day? Or crawl back into the distorted dreamscape and the awful grief? I know I Am still searching for you… Where do you reside now? And how do I help my forlorn self who is perpetually suspended in this terrible nightmare? I allow. The tears. The shock of the suspended unreality. The anger that I feel so utterly alone. The guilt that there was so much more I could have done and did not. The pain of the profound loss, like a giant sinkhole threatening to swallow everything into nothingness. I allow the grief because it declares all over again how much I love you! I allow the grief because it affirms that my heart is working and I know that all this pain reveals the capacity of my deep vulnerability and immense feelings. And, I choose this. I choose all this feeling. All of this pulverization and reforming. I know my heart is reconstructing itself and growing it’s wisdom and softness. As I choose to stay vulnerable, I Am allowing my heart to lead the Way to transform me beyond my ego's drive to control and survive. I know deep inside my heart the only way to heal through grief is to feel, allow all my feelings, and to hold myself with gentle, kind self-compassion. Again and again and again. I lovingly allow and choose my messy grief. I embrace my love and my pain. I AM the embodiment of self-compassion and self-love. As I resurrect my beautiful heart, for me, I widen and deepen my capacity to give and receive love. I AM becoming a more loving beautiful version of myself through every tear and smile. Thank you grief. Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Torn Open By Grief

    Grief has split me open and emptied me out. I feel so many different intense feelings, coexisting, co-exploding… Love, helplessness, sadness, guilt, nebulous anxiety, heart wrenching pain, rawness, so much resistance. It rips me apart to see you leave. It is also so hard to navigate the outer world when I am combusting internally. All too often, others’ acknowledgments can feel like platitudes, uncomfortable moments to be traversed, misguided kindness by changing the subject. What the fuck? I’m broken. But then there are those who just look at me and reach out to hug me, and allow me my feelings…. strong enough to embrace my shaking, or my frozen, body. And those who meet my words and my gaze with tender tears in their eyes. I know my vulnerability touches your vulnerability, And I Am so grateful and relieved to feel true connection in the moment. And then there are those who genuinely ask how I am doing, and hold receptive space. You can scare the shit out of me. Can you really hold the space? Because I do not know if I can again hold space for other people's discomfort in the face of my grief. Thank you for asking. Please know how hard it can be to answer through my walls of protection. Please be patient, attentive, tender and kind. Please know that deep inside I am desperate for safe places to collapse into the mess I Am, and for the solace of soft, strong arms and unconditionally holding. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • In Your Moment of Death, I Chant to Clear The Way

    Akaal Akaal Akaal I chant as I wish you only love as you ascend back into the Spirit realm. I chant so that my love may help lift you on your journey. I chant to facilitate your, my, our loving release of all miscreations, unresolved emotions and confusions so that only Love’s eternal truth will guide your Way, and mine. You are free, fully returned to your pure unrung potential of pure being. Thank you Thank you Thank you For I too Am blissful, Holy and free. I fly with you forever expanding into eternity. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I AM Going Home

    “The light has come, calling me to join. I Am not afraid for I Am going home. In the space between breaths, in the twilight of my Consciousness, I Am remembering. I now behold my pure light emanating before me, I Am ready to join the radiant stream of rainbow light. I feel my resonance synchronizing with the melodious symphony welcoming Me. Within the light, I can hear the effusive chatter and singing of Ancestors calling me with their love, joy and open arms. They are preparing the Way. For Me. For I AM going home!” You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Oscillating Resonance

    There is a resonance of fear, sadness, helplessness. There is a resonance of Love, beauty and grace. Oscillating between the two, I stay present as I Am saying goodbye to you. For I Am walking you home. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I AM Here, Walking You Home

    You are beginning to travel now to the realm of the Ancestors. How can such a huge transition look so still? Your body is so tired. I cannot yet fathom the ways I already miss you. There are the memories that are already yesterday's domain. We lived those together, vibrantly. Our time was full of kindness, love and presence: often not perfect, and other times defying the laws of too much perfection in one place. Now our days are marked by our gentle acts of still caring for you, waiting with you, tending to your body as you slowly leave it. You often wander, look about, aimless and elsewhere. I miss connecting with you in your vibrancy, yet I try my best to shift to be with you in these spaces of suspended time. I remind myself that Eternal Love is my truth as we together forge the sacred holiness in holding space for your passage. As you travel in and out of your transitory consciousness, I allow my tears to come and I hold you as you no longer can hold me. I know this is a holy time, but I also feel a profound loneliness in this dawning of disconnection. We are moving so fast as life here still calls us while you are moving so slow. Or maybe you are moving at lightning speed between the realms, preparing the Way that we cannot see, nor conceive, for it is not our time, but yours, alone. We are here, walking each other home. Only you go now, before us. Ancestors and Angels, Thank you. In my heart I know you are holding space for all of us, lighting our Way through this dark and sacred hour. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • A Blessed Awareness for Myself and My Loved One in Hospice

    My Divine Heavenly Helpers, I call upon You as I sit beside my loved one wondering if they might be approaching their final breath here on earth. I feel the grace of sitting with them, as something deep inside wells large knowing this is a holy moment. My heart feels so big, and in this sacred moment the feelings that flash feel like I Am present in a twilight of shifting light and I Am being enveloped into the beauty of other ways of seeing and knowing. It’s funny, I thought I might be terrified and overwrought with my sorrow, which still lingers within me, awaiting to walk me through the land of grief. However, when I Am still, so much gratitude and love fills the room as I simply desire to hold my loved one completely in my arms. How do I scoop you up so that I can hold you completely in my arms? They say the heart also holds a womb, an infinite womb, holding all of the possibilities and variations of love's creative expression. I want to scoop you up and bring you into my HeartWomb and dance with you there. In this place there is no fear, no pain, just pure love and gratitude. This is where I Am with you! Others look and they see me holding your hand. Or, might they see that I Am holding you as you hold me in the symphony of Love’s creation? In this love space, I experience peace. This is how I Am present with you. Tears stream from my eyes as I cry and smile. I thank our souls for giving us this gift of this one last dance on this earthly plane. I do not fear the time when your spirit takes flight. I witness and celebrate your ascent and your freedom. When you shed your earthly vessel, you will leave it behind, no longer animated, and we will remember how to give you back to your God Self and Mother Gaia. We will turn to our rituals and mourning, and will cry you river of our tears. We will hold each other, supporting each other allowing all of our feelings to bind us close as we continue our dance of Love and Life. And so it is. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Finding The Way as I Support My Loved One in the Last Months of Their Earthly Journey

    As a loved one sheds their earthly body, they often experience illness, a decline, a plateau, another illness, another plateau. They are assuredly beginning to transition. Hard decisions need to be made, and while a loved one’s mind is shifting, their sovereign choice is still theirs to navigate their world through perspectives and choices according to their free will. I support you to continue to make choices as you will. With love, I Am letting you know that I Am here. Please ask me for help, so that I may join you, support you and give to you as I can. I grant myself the serenity to know that I cannot walk this path for you, nor carry you through it. I seek to love you as you experience your natural transitional shifts. I respect that you know better than me how you feel, what you need, how you wish to direct your next steps even if they are different than what I would choose for you. As I walk alongside you, I vow to do my own work of approaching my own feelings of guilt, responsibility, resentment, sorrow. I will work through what they represent for me and release and transform all that I can, so that I can stay present. For, you are not suffering: you are transitioning. Your accumulative choices have created a path that you are walking now. My only desire is to walk with you, as I can, for as long as I can, showing love in simple gestures. May I believe your answers when I ask you what you need. I will fulfill what I can, and respectfully let you know what I cannot. May I hold our time together as precious and spend it holding your hand and sending you love through the softness of my voice and my loving intention. Imperfect as this all seems, I rest in the purity of my heart's loving intention. I trust our love to be the vehicle that will get us safely to the threshold of the next place. And may it be so. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Grief, My Teacher and My Healer

    Grief, please break me open. While I want to ask you to be gentle, I know that there is no other way than to surrender to your force. Please, break through my resistance, my misguided attempts to control. Open the floodgates, and wash through me, allowing the screams, the wails, the tears. This loss that I Am feeling demands to temporarily break me, for I Am torn apart by the torrential pain of everything I feel in my loss. My internal earth has quaked, and I can no longer hold back the tsunami. Divine Love, please surround me and hold me. Even though I will deny your existence because I feel terribly alone and fundamentally destroyed, I know you are containing my implosion. Self-Love, help me to breathe, to be kind to myself, to feed myself, to bathe myself, to hold myself. Help me receive the sustenance, safety, and help that is around me, in whatever form it comes. Help me surrender, and demand my time and space to feel, to be a mess, to experience my worthiness of taking up space while doing so. Please create a surrender that is so real, that I ask for, nay, even demand help. I pray that I may receive it with grace and trust. I pray that the grief that was created because of love, and the love that is created through the grief will lead me eventually to turn my face to the warmth of the sun in the dawning of a new day. Through my grief, may I let go. Through my grief, may I let love in. May my grief eventually have its blessed way of washing me clear of all of my sorrows so that all I will know is love. Through my grief, may I experience something greater that is and that I AM. Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Bless Our Eternal Love

    I want you to know through all this time even though I needed to leave you I still love you And my love for you is forever expanding. When I miss you, I revisit our love, the laughs and all of the lessons from the tears. And I smile. Thank you for all of the gifts! Thank you for sharing the path. And while we split at my fork in the road, my heart knows my eternal truth that our love connection resonates in it’s perfect form, multidimensionally in the vibrations of Pure Love and Sacred Grace. I Am sending you Unconditional Love, streaming constantly. Waiting for you to tune in whenever you will. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • As Thich Nhat Hanh Teaches, I Smile

    Into the dark I step, all is quiet, I Am alone, I smile. I go inward and outward simultaneously meeting whatever is present, I smile. I meet my critical voice, my expectant thoughts, my joyful Inner Child, and I smile. I stay in the dark long enough for the light to crack through, as it inevitably does and I smile. I position myself to feel the warm sun on my face and I orient myself to the Infinite Omnipresent Presence of my Beloved, I smile. I go inward and embrace my Inner Child and I smile. I tenderly hold her face in my hands And I smile. I ask her how she feels, what would make her happy today, what does she want? I listen long enough to hear her answer me completely, I joyously give to her and I smile. Holding my inner child close, I meet what’s next, smiling. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Manifesting My Purpose

    Dear God, I Am ready to step into Your glorious plan for me and my life. I Am ready to do the holy work that You put me here to do. As I embrace my worth and receive Your abundance, I overflow with thanksgiving and hope. Fully empowered, I create through my heartfelt beliefs and truths. I Am fulfilled that as I recognize the truth of my divine purpose, I inspire and activate others to step with courage and faith into their Providence, ultimately benefiting us all. They too will embolden others until we are all evidencing Your Grace together here on Earth. I will manifest the goodness You have planned for me! I know my sacred dreams forged by the inspiration of My Holy Spirit will come true as I confidently follow my heart’s leadership of Your design for me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. And so it is! Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

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