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  • Today I Play!

    Today I play! Today I refuse to work. I delight and take pride in my rebellion! I bask in my idleness! I ask myself what I want and what I need. I say to my precious self: Sure, why not!? and Absolutely! I lovingly indulge myself, exuberantly caring for the heart of this resplendent being I AM. I AM fully present in the current moment, giving my expression to my pure experience, reveling in my contentment and bliss. I allow myself to simply be with all I Love and to be truly awake again in this magical realm. Today, MY happiness, freedom and pleasure joyously guide my Way! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I AM The Healed Inner Child

    I AM the healed Inner Child who skips and plays in her wilderness of beautiful imaginings. I AM the healed Inner Child who soaks in a dreamt, but oh so real, ocean of love until all I AM is Love. I AM the healed Inner Child who stretches her arms in joyous invitation to give and receive Love. I AM the healed Inner Child whose heart now generously transmits JOY to all people who have gotten lost on their journeys. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Matter!

    I Am here, because I matter. I matter here, because I Am. ALL beings are created from God’s unconditional love and perfection, and every being is essential for the balance and wholeness of all life in Unity. I Am as God created me. I Am essential! The unfolding of my evolution is in divine accordance with God's beautiful plan for me. I play an essential part in our Oneness, in our wholeness. I Am here to heal my self doubts and my fears of worthlessness. No longer will I keep myself in the shadows, on the sidelines. I Am not here to play small nor to be complicit in my illusion of brokenness. Through my free will, restored self-love, soulful resolution and loving affirmations, I heal my wounded core-belief that I do not matter. God’s Symphony would not be complete without my song. The ocean moves as it does because my wave helps create the currents. My blossoming in just the right time and just the right way completes God’s masterful garden of paradise. I matter! I have always mattered. I will always matter. You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • Reclaiming My Inner Child

    You are Mysterious, ineffable and insatiable. Tugging, beckoning and demanding. Hungry and chaotic; full of vim, vigor and vitality. You were never meant to sit in chairs for hours and perform on command. You were never meant to doubt and betray your intrinsic needs, nor conceive of yourself as weak, stupid, ugly, bad… Not even for one second! You were vanquished to the dark Shadowlands of my soul with nary a light or a comforting voice to accompany you. In spite of your oppression, other parts of me have remained nurtured and flourished. I found ways to preserve my soul’s unsuppressable gifts. I Am learning to say no and to protect my resources. I have been reclaiming my forced-forgotten treasures within. I Am beginning to dance, sing, create, explore, play, love for me! But, something is missing…You. I need YOU, my innocence, my impulsivity, my vulnerability, my tenacity. I need my wholeness, my fullness. I invite you to come out of your exile, now. I Am ready to hold you tenderly and to heal your untended wounds. I now know how to soothe, comfort, reassure, empathize, and I want to give this love to you. I have so many affirming words to give you, and endless holding and support. I can now prioritize and protect you. Sweet, precious Inner Child You are my sunrise. Exhilarating, dramatic and revitalizing. You are my dandelion growing from the sidewalk’s crack. Determined, resilient, beautiful, and full of wishes to spread. You are my adventurous explorer, my contagious laughter, my bountiful sunshine, my little raincloud. You are my perfection of unpredictable creative chaos. You are my wildness, in which I find true freedom. You are my pure dark night. I can retreat and hide in your infinite resources of gentleness, hope and magical regenerative promises. You are my everything. I Am joyful to embrace you completely now! I Love ME! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • The Divine Mother Within

    The human journey is full of brokenness, beginning with imperfect attachment with our earthly parents who did the best they could as they loved and cared for us through their own unhealed patterns of unresolved traumas. In our self-relationship, we can re-create nurturing, safety and comfort through surrendering to the Divine Mother Within. As our Inner Child becomes (w)holy secure, we can grow with more courage and bravery in our self-actualization journey. O Divine Mother Within, thank you for the depths and graces of your healing. You have always responded before my Inner Child could expresses primal cries of distress, forever attuned to my intrinsic needs as my own sweet beloved. I thank you! Deep within, you have always maintained holy symbiosis. You are the cave into which my Inner Child had tunneled when I thought she disappeared within my shadowlands. Now, breaking the illusion of dissociation, I have found in my moments of complete desolation, I never disappeared. I had just sought refuge within my internal sacred resources. In my early traumas, you put me to sleep... into a deep psychic, emotional, mental sleep. I hibernated, but now, my Divine Mother Within, you gently open my eyes and invite me to behold anew the absolute Glory... in the ordinary splendors of the warm sun, a cool rainshower, a gentle touch (even when it is my own), and, in my own precious tears... reminding me of this extraordinary gift of life beyond my cave of fear. My Inner Child surrenders, as my Divine Mother Within lovingly holds me, as I comfort myself through my grief and pain, restoring me to Myself. In my darkest hours, I Am never alone. Through my own complete embrace of Inner Child and Divine Mother Within, I find: I Am Loved. I Am held. I Am complete, whole and worthy. Because of such Love, I hope, I transcend and I thrive: for this is My Destiny! I Am so thankful for Me! Amen You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

  • I Am Worthy Of Being Nurtured

    I wish to remember being pure again, before I knew fear, before I knew any-thing. I wish to remember being completely and securely held again in the peace of no-thing. And to receive nurturance, just because I AM deserving of being, (w)holy worthy of God’s divine conception, breathing life into ME. I seek to be fundamentally demanding again, secure to take up space, allowing my needs to command life to sustain my essential presence. I seek to surrender, in complete trust, to only know this truth of perfect love. I pray to remember that I AM worthy to receive all of Your goodness. I pray to remember that I AM safe in this earthly realm. I AM being provided for beyond my knowing. I BELONG to the greater space that completes me. I BELONG with my imperfect companions who are always loving me the best they know how, as I strive to love myself more and more. I BELONG to the divine web of Love that will weave me a newfound womb again and again as I allow myself to receive exactly what I need, as You provide for me perfectly. I allow. Thank you! Amen! You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation

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