I stand before the mirror, naked.
Inviting myself
to be vulnerable
and absolutely present.
I steady my eyes,
while observing
where I want to focus,
and where I want to escape.
I observe my thoughts,
where I want to condemn…
where I get anxious.
I stay with myself,
allowing my gaze and my thoughts to
~ soften ~
I breathe into lovingkindness,
watching my breath fill my belly,
watching my body tone relax
as I release.
I allow lovingkindness
to guide my eyes,
my thoughts and
my words.
May I view my body
with kindness
and through the eyes of love.
May I see the beauty
in my scars, wrinkles, love-handles.
May I see my body
as the miracle
May I release to celebrate
my symphony of cells within,
magnificently orchestrating
my bountiful human vessel
for my soul’s earthly journey.
May I see all my wounds and illnesses
as calls for help
from my often neglected beleaguered self
seeking to navigate
the challenges I have experienced.
May I release all fear,
guilt, worry, judgment:
so that I may embrace
only thoughts, beliefs and feelings
which are filled with my love and desire
for my optimal health and wellness.
May I see myself with such love
and pure adoration
that I Am filled
with generous resolve to love
and care for myself
as my greatest beloved.
May I feel complete
and easy love for myself,
as I Am,
in this moment.
{deep exhale}
Through my gentle gaze
and my tender touch,
I hug myself.
I bow and I smile.
I AM so grateful for my beautiful body.
I AM so grateful for my journey and my life.
I AM so grateful for Me!
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: